I am passionate about design and making, and I love talking to other makers. Here are some events I've spoken at. If you'd like me to speak at your event, get in touch!

Maker Faire NY 2018
I was thrilled to speak several times at Maker Faire NY 2018. The highlight for me was this conversation about design with Laura Kampf. The talk was recorded, view it here!

2018 MFNY: talking with Laura Kampf about Design
2018 MFNY: My Talk on the Electronics Stage "Adventures in Making" (Design is for everyone)

2018 MFNY Ask A Maker Panel with Lenore Edman, Matt Stultz, Jimmy Di Resta, and me!

Maker Faire 2018 Bay Area
At Maker Faire Bay Area 2018, I spoke with my husband, Kim Pimmel, about our SelfieBot project. Best of all, we made new friends and took lots of SelfieBot selfies!

Seattle Mini Maker Faire FashionTech Showcase
I organized this FashionTech Showcase with Chelsea Klukas of MakeFashion for Seattle Mini Maker Faire 2017. We hosted designers and makers showing their wearable FashionTech projects.

FashionTech Showcase at Seattle Mini Maker Faire 2017. Photography by Chris Abbas.

Wearable Electronics at the Microsoft Garage
In October 2017, I visited The Garage, Microsoft's makerspace in Redmond, to do a presentation on getting started with wearable electronics.

Host of Geek Girl Con 2017 Fashion Show
One of the highlights of 2017 for me was hosting the Geek Girl Con Fashion Show. I loved meeting the designers, models, and stylists, and talking about the value of representation and inclusion in fashion and pop culture.

Read about the fashion show on the Geek Girl Con blog. Geek Girl Con Fashion Show 2017. Photography by Sayed Alamy.

Seattle Mini Maker Faire 2017

Seattle Mini Maker Faire 2017

Arduino Talk with Tony DiCola at Geek Girl Con 2017
I teamed up with Tony DiCola of Adafruit to talk about getting started with Ardruino in a talk we called "Steal This Code: Arduino for the Rest of Us"